Please read about createDuck first before continue here. You nee a basic understanding about its API first.
Generate a mutable reducer
The method getMutableReducer takes care about connecting your case-reducer functions with immer and finally builds a reducer function that can be registered in the Store.
import { getMutableReducer, createMutableDuck } from '@ngrx-ducks/core';
export class Chunk {
static reducer = getMutableReducer(initialState, CounterMutableFacade);
// Basic usage without case reducer
// loadCount = createMutableDuck(
// '[Counter] Load Count',
// dispatch<number>()
// );
// Usage with a case reducer
// increment = createMutableDuck(
// '[Counter] Increment value',
// (state: CounterState, payload: number) => (state.count += payload)
// );
import { Action, combineReducers } from '@ngrx/store';
import { MutableFacade } from './facade';
import { CounterState } from './counter.state';
export interface State {
couter: CounterState;
export function reducers(state: State, action: Action) {
return combineReducers<State>({
couter: MutableFacade.reducer
})(state, action);
You will find a full example of a mutable facade at StackBlitz.