

In Redux Actions are used to set up the communication between components.

If you are not familiar with NgRx's Actions, we highly recommend to check their documentation (see | Actions) first, before starting with Ducks.

Action Dispatcher

Using createDuck allows you to create a fully typed action that also contains the action dispatcher. A Duck can dispatch itself. It expects at least one parameter, the action type. The sample below demonstrates how the property greet becomes a duck, which means that greet now is a method that additionally contains a function dispatch.

import { createDuck, StoreChunk } from '@ngrx-ducks/core';

export class Chunk {
  greet = createDuck('Hello 🐥');

   greet()          // returns the action object: { type: 'Hello 🐥' }
   greet.dispatch() // dispatches the action to the store.


Please note that createDuck.dispatch only works inside a class being annoted with @StoreFacade. You will receive an error in the console if you accidently forget@StoreFacade .

Often an action transports a payload. To define an action dispatcher with a payload, createDuck accepts a second parameter being able to set up a strictly typed action creator.

import { createDuck, dispatch } from '@ngrx-ducks/core';

export class Chunk {
  greet = createDuck('Hello 🐥', dispatch<string>());

The second parameter needs to be filled with dispatch<TPayload> where TPaylod defines the type of the payload. In the component the dispatch-method now expects a parameter with the defined payload-type.

Case reducer

A duck can also contain a case-reducer.

According to the shape of the case-reducer the action dispatcher is generated accordingly.

  1. If a case-reducer proceeds a payload the dispatcher expects a payload.

  2. If a case-reducer has no payload, the dispatcher expects no payload.

import { createDuck, dispatch } from '@ngrx-ducks/core';
import { State } from './state.ts';

export class Chunk {
  greet = createDuck(
    'Hello 🐥',
    (state: SomeState, payload: string) => ({
      greetings: [...state.greetings, payload]
  noPayload = createDuck(
    'Hello 🤷‍♀️',
    (state: SomeState) => ({
      greetings: [...state.greetings, 'static mutation']

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